When choosing a domain name for your business or endeavor you have several options to choose from: .com, .net, .biz, .tv, .info, and the list goes on. There are several schools of thought on why you should always strive for a domain ending in .com. The main reason, which is definitely valid, is that .com is the most common, and frankly expected. How many times have you remembered a business name, but not their web address, typed in the business name followed by .com and ended up on that business’ home page? It’s that very reason why .com is the most suggested domain suffix. But what if you were different for the sake of being memorable. I personally chose nickvmedia.net for two main reasons (and I do also own nickvmedia.com): First, I truly think that my domain name with the .net ending lends itself well to being memorable when actually spoken out loud--Nick-v-media-dot-net. Here’s what I mean...With the “N” in my name, Nick, and the “N” in net, when spoken has a bit of a sing-song feel almost like an alliteration. So, when I meet with folks who may have an interest in visiting my site I’m always sure to tell them my web address at least three times, and it’s usually because of the sing-songiness of my web address when spoken that helps people remember it. Second, the fact that it’s not a .com can be memorable as well. I’ve been told on several occasions that my web address was remembered specifically because someone made a mental note that I have a .net domain, rather than a .com domain. The sheer fact that it’s different can be memorable. However, the bottom line for those in the market to purchase a domain name is this: Do what makes sense for you. I don’t think you can go wrong if you’re marketing your site well. I would suggest that if it’s available and you have the means, buy both your domain as a .com and a .net. Just because everyone is doing something doesn’t mean you have to do it too, or that it is necessarily the “right” way. Comments are closed.