I recently read a great blog on the HubSpot Inbound Marketing website. Actually, the post was written by a guest blogger, Greg Digneo, founder of Cloud Marketing Labs. Anyway, to summarize Digneo and his company created an experiment based on the premise that even though Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites have access to many millions of potential fans and followers how do you begin building your fans and followers if you're just getting started. The idea was to start from scratch with a website and use inbound internet marketing tactics via social media to garner fans and followers and generate leads for their business. They wanted to see how well they could grow a following in 30 day's time. The blog post nicely lays out a time line with the activities Digneo and his team engaged in each week in their pursuit. Their activities surrounded a free webinar they were planning to put on at the end of the 30 days about their results. This served as a nice opt-in give away for visitors to sign up for when they hit the landing page that was specifically created to capture sign-ups. By the end of the 30 days they had 1200 visitors to their landing page, website and blog. There were 107 registrants for their webinar and they gave out four viable leads for new business. Due to one of their activities of distributing a press release PRWeb's service they landed two guest blogging spots and a contribution to an article on Entrepreneur.com. I highly recommend reading this post and employing some of the tactics toward building an online following to build your brand and your business. Comments are closed.