Many musicians can gain useful exposure by doing good. Especially, with the holidays around the corner it's a great time to be thinking about ideas of ways you or your band can align what you're doing with music with a good cause that can help others. The result is doing good for others and as a by-product you/your band can also gain some useful exposure.
There are several charities that could use some extra help furthering their cause, whether it's raising money or clothing items or food. These organizations always seem to really ramp up during the holiday season. So, your band could offer to put on a performance allowing those who bring a canned good free admission to the show instead of paying the cover charge. Then donating the food items to a local food pantry. Or you volunteer to perform for the Salvation Army while manning one of their red collection buckets outside of a store around the holidays to collect donations. There are several ideas--be creative. The idea is to sincerely want to help others using your talent. By doing so you can publicize your efforts on your social media sites, your web site, send a notice to your email list to try to get your fans involved with giving. By doing good and letting others know how to get involved and help out you'll increase your own exposure in a positive way. You may even get some news coverage in your local area. Plus, and the most important part, is that you'll feel good that you're using your talents to help the community. Nick Venturella's sites: music site and business blog site Check out Nick Venturella's archived articles Comments are closed.