Many marketing folks these days consider email, and email marketing to be “traditional marketing,” as opposed to “new marketing” like social media marketing and inbound marketing. These less salesy, yet targeted emails (without company headers and flashy graphics) can be just as effective as a phone call. In fact, in a lot of ways this type of emailing is the new phone call. I was just on an email marketing webinar yesterday, put on by, a lead generation marketing company. One great take-a-way from the webinar was using what BuzzBuilderPro called Article Marketing. Essentially, the idea is that as you nurture potential sales leads via email, send them short notes periodically with links to articles that will likely be of value to the recipient. In this model, these emails serve as a way to keep at the top of your prospect’s mind as someone offering useful value without asking for anything in return and without an offer, a sales pitch or inundating them with your sales literature. The idea is that when the prospect is ready to buy, or is simply ready to talk to your further about what you/your company have to offer, you will have built a relationship and some trust over time. A lot of people do a similar thing with Twitter tweets and their Facebook status, but the difference is that by using email you are targeting a specific audience that is more 1 to 1, rather than 1 to many--it’s more personal. Here’s an example: Hi Tom, I recently found this great article about Article Marketing that I thought you might find useful for yourself and your sales team. -Nick It’s short, sweet and to the point, and it provides value. I guarantee the recipient will also appreciate the brevity of the email, as everyone seems to get more than their fair share of emails these days. It builds good-will and credibility for your brand. It’s a great idea to help nurture leads in a very simple way. Comments are closed.