You set out to write every day, or draw, or create music, or something else to hone your craft, but once you get started it's hard to maintain momentum and motivation towards regular output over time.
Is this a mental roadblock or more of a physical time and space hurdle? Sure, it takes time management, and like everyone else, you're very busy with other things. However, you do understand that like anything you know you need to do, you find a way to do it. For example, I need to pay my bills every month and somehow I always make sure that I do. So why does trying to find the time to consistently be involved in your creative practice seem harder than ensuring your bills are paid regularly? Again, I come back to the idea that this seems more of a mental problem to be solved versus a true time management problem. Although, I do think the two are linked in that if you can't get into the right mindset it's going to be very difficult to find the motivation to appropriately manage your time to fit your creative practice into your daily life. Great, so we've identified that it's a mental problem versus a physical time and space problem, so what can you do about it? Think of a time when you felt creatively energized. What were you doing that gave you that kind of energy? Do that. It may not be quite that easy. If not, think of things to clear your mind? For some, this might be taking a walk or working out -- something to get the blood flowing and endorphins firing. For others it might be doodling while you're watching TV or listening to music, or simply meditating quietly for a few minutes. I often like to aimlessly noodle on the guitar. The point is, try to do something that clears your head so you're not trying to force the creativity as much as your are inviting creativity in. You're trying to clear your mind to get out of your creativity's way. One thing you can do is write daily. I mean with a piece of paper and a pen, and simply write whatever comes to your mind, even if it's nonsense (you don't have to show this to anyone -- it's just an exercise for you). Set a timer for 5 minutes and do this daily for an entire month. I guarantee you're going to have transcendent moments where you feel like you've unlocked something great inside your creative mind. Or if you are a visual arts kind of person take on the same 5 minutes a day challenge with drawing -- draw whatever objects are in front of you for 5 minutes a day for a month. Then see how you feel. It can be tough to start and sustain a creative habit to help your creative muscle grow, but even 5 minutes a day is better than no minutes a day, and who can't come up with 5 minutes a day? The cool thing is that this is not exclusive to creative people. The 5 minutes a day idea can help anyone get started building a regular positive habit that helps your mindset. The whole purpose is to get you into, or at least better your chances of getting you into, that highly energized, motivated, happy, healthy state of mind that allows you to think and perform at your best. It won't happen every time, or even every other time, but you increase your chances of hitting that highly energized state the more you engage in such a practice. And over time you'll get there more easily, frequently and sustain it longer -- all because you had the discipline and patience to conquer mind over matter. Posted by Nick Venturella
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