It's pretty easy to get caught up in expectations. Expectations for yourself, for others, and for your business. Have expectations on the things you absolutely can control like: I expect to be less hungry when I eat something. Where you run into trouble is when expectations are so fixated on a particular outcome that you cannot envision any opportunities coming from some other outcome. These kinds of expectations can really set you up for disappointment if they're not met. Such disappointment allows negative thoughts and a lack of confidence to creep into your mental space. It's good to have goals and even a theory on what the desired outcome should reasonably be and why. Although, if you approach those outcomes with open mindedness vs. more narrowly (specific expectations that if not met risk frustrating you, angering you and/or simply deflating you) then you can remain unattached to the outcome, which allows you to see the hidden opportunities in just about any outcome, whether it was the one you theorized would happen or not. We always have something to learn and gain from each experience, even if the outcome was not what was expected. The bottom line is:
Posted by: Nick Venturella Comments are closed.
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