Happy New Year everyone!
Did you make a New Year’s resolution? I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. Typically people make resolutions too broad in scope, which allows them an easy out if they choose not to fulfill it. My opinion: goals are good, resolutions are not. For me, this year, I have creative project goals, and my measure of success will be how much, and/or how many, of them I’m able to complete. This year, I want to push past the creative barriers I’ve had in the past to do fun, interesting projects and figure out the monetization along the way or after the fact (that’s in part where you can help and be a part of the projects on Patreon — regardless if you become a patron, be sure to follow along to see the progress). Personally, I always enjoy reading, experiencing, watching hearing about a creative person’s journey through their projects almost more than the end result of what they produce. I’m always curious about the path they took to get there. To me, that’s fascinating. In observing others’ path towards their goals, I feel like I learn alternative ways to approach the creative process, which in turn helps my own creative process. That’s, in part, what I hope you gain from following along with me this year. My creative journey, as well as any, is translatable to other fields and industries. Understanding how to work through projects or processes for your job or for your business is a creative process whether or not you consider yourself a creative person. Below is what I plan to focus and document progress on this year (If you’re curious, get more in-depth descriptions of these goals here)… Overarching main goal themes: 1. Focus more heavily on quality creative projects 2. Connect more with others along the creative journey to share with others, learn from others and serve others Projects/Goals: 1. Flesh out and re-master the audio quality of my Light of Mourning music album. 2. I’m currently getting clear on a (film/audio) project I’m calling the Legacy Music Project (a working title for now). 3. Begin to seriously work on my creative story/comic called Boxville. 4. I will continue to work on my AutismHR.com project, which is designed to help adults on the autism spectrum embrace the gig economy to earn an income on their terms from their skills. 5. Finally, I will continue to increase my knowledge and creative usefulness in my day job, continue to offer freelancing creative services and music performances, however, I want to help more of my contacts build their careers and build their businesses by helping facilitate useful connections to help grow their endeavors toward success. posted by: Nick Venturella Comments are closed.
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