As many who know me know, I got my entrepreneurial start as a musician and continue to perfect my professional musical craft via live performances, producing, album/song sales, music royalties, etc. Early on in my musical journey I was more enamored with making a decent living with music than ever being famous, which is something I talked about in my book, The Local Music Journey. Fast forward to today with more access and distribution across the internet (and a declining old-school record label model), 80-90% of musicians are independent of a major label -- even those formerly on a major label. That said, it's a long road to the middle. Most musicians I know simply want to make a reasonably comfortable living doing what they're most passionate about and motivated to do. This article, does a nice job offer further details about the dream of the middle-class musician. Check it out -- it's an interesting entrepreneurial case study, even if you're not a musician. Posted by: Nick Venturella Comments are closed.
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