I recently watched a documentary about a young man who built his own tiny house. Christopher Smith, along with other tiny housers interviewed, offered various reasons for wanting to build and live a tiny lifestyle. (you can view the film trailer below) The documentary was inspiring. I'm not fully convinced that I want to reduce everything and live in a 128 square foot house, but it got me thinking...
I'm in pursuit of a tiny career. As a creative soul with an entrepreneurial spirit I am interested in developing my work/career in a way that can be self-sustaining. In other words, I want to have a business with few moving parts, really no employees other than myself; do work I enjoy with people I can help who provide adequate value in return (money) to help me meet my living expenses/needs and essentially be happy and able to continue such work. In additional to my entrepreneurial endeavors, I currently have a corporate job that I like, and it's teaching me so much. I view everything I do in my career as a learning experience to provide me the various pieces to the puzzle I need to eventually fit things together in the way that I ideally want. I'm not quite there yet, but everyday I get closer, I learn new skills, I learn more about myself and how to focus it all back to where I want to go. Perhaps the journey is the real pinnacle as each victory encourages me to stretch farther, but I do believe it's possible to have it all in the way each of wants. It won't be without work, struggle or sacrifice, but the accomplishment and satisfaction of paving one's own path is the sweetness I'm after. Reaching the desired end result is simply the after-glow of fulling savoring the sweetness. Posted by: Nick Venturella Comments are closed.
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