If you're anything like me your email inbox is flooded with messages everyday. If you're trying to engage your email list as part of your digital marketing mix then you can expect your email recipients' inboxes are just as flooded as yours. So how do you make your emails stand out from all the noise? By piquing your readers' curiosity. Asking a question can be a good way to do this. It's only natural that when you see a question, you want to know the answer. This is the logic behind the question subject line. The reader sees the question and thinks they want to know the answer, even if they don't think they want to read the whole message. They open the message and are then drawn in by your compelling opening. But here's the only drawback – you have to actually answer the question! Or at least answer it in such a way that it satisfies the reader. An example would be something like, 'What's the best way to drive traffic?' Your email doesn't have to answer this question fully, and it can't because there really is no objective 'best' way. However, it can discuss a few of the most common traffic methods and then offer a link to a report that has more. Another version of this idea is to offer a teaser subject line that leaves the reader hanging until they open the email and read further to resolve the rest of the story that the subject line initiated. Here's an example: 'What you thought you knew about healthy super foods might surprise you.' Again, you want to be able to resolve the teaser subject line with the content of the actual email message. You see this kind of tactic used in tabloids and entertainment-based magazine. According to Duct Tape Marketing author, John Jantsch, you can pick up a People Magazine and flip through the headlines -- you'll gat some useful ideas. Ultimately, the subject line is important because it's what gets your recipient to either open your message or throw it in the trash. A question or a teaser subject line is a good way to get them to open the message, as long as you deliver on the subject line's promise. The best way to find out what works for your list is to test. Run two identical messages with only the subject line changed and see which performs better. Posted by: Nick Venturella Comments are closed.
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