We’re all human. It makes sense then to create content that connects with humans. Building connection from your creation to another person, even online, is one way to build a relationship. If you produce content for marketing purposes then you are in the business of connection and relationship-building. However, if you don’t know how to appeal to real people you will struggle to foster a connection, and that connection is the spark needed to build a relationship. Plus, when your content does connect well with others it gains ‘share-ability’ in social media. So, how can you build a human connection with someone from your online content? Here are three ways:
Be sincere Chances are the struggles you experience as a human are pretty similar to those who consume your content/art/music/other. That said, what do you struggle with? Examine yourself, decide what you need help with, research solutions and build content that addresses that for your audience. Be empathetic Now, that you’ve identified the issues your audience has (which you share as well) you can be empathetic to your audiences’ situation. You know because you’ve been there, or you are there now. Help your audience understand that you understand, and that they’re not alone – there is a community of others just like them, like you, dealing with the same thing. This is where the beginning of the spark of a connection and potential relationship arises. Be helpful Share what you’ve discovered in overcoming your own struggles. What has worked? What hasn’t worked? Be a bit of a mentor. Share what you’ve found out from your own experiences that you wish someone would have shared with you earler on in your journey. This has value for others. Your audience then gets the benefit of shaving time, energy and possibly money off their approach to overcoming the identified struggle. The bottom line with being helpful is to do your best to provide useful solutions whenever possible, and the best test is to think, “Would I find that solution useful?” Posted by Nick Venturella Comments are closed.
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