Sometimes I get asked, “ So, you do content marketing...what do you mean by content?”
It’s usually coming from someone genuinely curious and new to the idea. I welcome the opportunity to share. Content can really be all forms of communication:
Content marketing is using a strategy to produce content about specific topics that a targeted audience will find valuable, or useful. The idea here is to build a relationship over time with a targeted group of people that you (the content creator) are providing regular, valuable content to on topics they care about. As you build a relationship over time with this targeted audience you can periodically offer your products/services or provide calls-to-action in your content to learn more about your products/services, and turn those content followers of yours into customers. Keep in mind, for content marketing to work for you, you really have to find topics that a targeted audience deems useful and valuable otherwise this may not work so well for you. Part of how you’re trying to build a relationship with those who consume your content is to get them to sign up on your email list. This is so you can deepen the online relationship you’re building with your audience. It will also allow you more direct access to connect with them when you decide to offer your products/services to them. Posted by Nick Venturella
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